Disability-Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Programs of the Municipalities in Camarines Norte


  • Malyn Manalo-Asay Camarines Norte State College, MBA Автор

Ключевые слова:

Persons with Disability, Accessibility, Inclusive, Disaster Risk Reduction Management


The study determined the inclusion of disability related concerns on the implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) programs of the municipalities in Camarines Norte. This research presented Twelve (12) Municipal DRRMO Profile, Disability Inclusive Policies in DRRM Plans, Disability Inclusive Practices in the Implementation of DRR Programs, Data on Disability Population, Accessibility Features in the Evacuation Centers, Availability of Disability-Inclusive Early Warning System, Training of responders on Disability-Inclusive DRR, Orientation of Barangay Officials and Families of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) on Disability-Inclusive DRR, Problems and Issues in the Implementation of DIDRR Plan, and Facilitating Factors in the Implementation of DIDRR Plan. The findings show the majority of the respondents have insufficient knowledge about the need of PWDs; they are not yet ready to cater PWDs before, during and after disaster; The disability-inclusive policies in the areas of DRRM of the respondents are not comprehensive to assure PWDs are safe before, during and after disaster; majority of the Municipalities represented the PWD to DRR programs/activities; majority of the respondents have available disability data in their respective municipalities; majority of the respondents are not observing the BP. 344 or also known as Accessibility Law for PWD; most of the respondents do not have inclusive provisions of early warning system for all types of disability; not all the respondents undergo orientations and comprehensive trainings on handling different types of disability; and, the Barangay Officials and Families of PWDs in the different Municipalities were not properly oriented on Disability-Inclusive DRR. This study not only works for the end-result of answering the problems presented in this research, but also as a great source of additional knowledge which can be developed for the advancement of disability-inclusion disaster risk reduction management in general and for the enhancement of community disaster preparedness.

